When you purchase a luxury vehicle, you most likely want that car to last as long as possible. You always want it to run its best and look as new as the day you got it. In order to do that, you must keep up-to-date on routine maintenance as well as any repairs that might be needed along the way. When these issues come up, many drivers wonder just how important it is to use genuine Mercedes-Benz parts. Today we’re going to take a look at answering this and other queries about Mercedes-Benz repairs.
If you want to keep the same performance capabilities and driving experience you expect from your Mercedes-Benz vehicle, it’s important to replace parts with Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts. These parts are made for your vehicle with certified safety, quality and reliability. Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts have a long service life. They will give you the confidence that you are getting the same quality and craftsmanship that your vehicle’s original parts had. These parts also provide longevity, safety and warranty to make it feel like the day you drove it off the lot.
When you use ordinary aftermarket parts, you risk extra wear and tear on your vehicle. You also might have to replace these parts more frequently, because they aren’t the same long-lasting quality. For example, Mercedes-Benz fleece oil filters last 45% longer than conventional filters, which helps minimize engine wear. Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts are also fully covered by the Parts Limited Warranty for up to four years. This comes on top of any prior warranty and/or prepaid maintenance plans.
If your Mercedes-Benz needs maintenance or repairs, bring it to Mercedes-Benz of Scottsdale to ensure that you are getting the best replacement parts possible. Call or visit us today to schedule an appointment with one of our service experts.
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