2019 MB A-Class exterior drivers side profile

Where to find the 2019 Mercedes-Benz A-Class in Scottsdale, AZ

The release date of the 2019 Mercedes-Benz A-Class is creeping ever closer here in Scottsdale, AZ. In fact, we can tentatively say that it might even be here possibly even as soon as the end of this month or early next month! While you are keeping a close eye on our inventory page, take a look at some things you may want to know about this upcoming model. Read the rest of this entry >>

2018 Mercedes-Benz GLC

Learn how to use the active parking assist on your Mercedes-Benz vehicle

How does the active parking assist work on my Mercedes-Benz vehicle? 

Parallel parking does not have to be stressful. Sometimes, spots are tight and few between, but your Mercedes-Benz vehicle can aid in your endeavor now. It will help you park with the active parking assist feature. This feature will tell you whether a parallel parking spot is big enough for your vehicle. Furthermore, the active parking assist can help guide your Mercedes-Benz vehicle into the spot, while you maintain overall control. Learn how to use the active parking assist on your Mercedes-Benz vehicle by watching the video or reading our summary below. 

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2018 Mercedes-Benz GLC

Learn why your car clunks when you change gears

Find out different reasons why your car clunks when you change gears

Cars make all sorts of noises when they start up, accelerate, slow down, or even turn. Some of these noises are natural, but as you become accustomed to those noises, you may notice new sounds that aren’t as natural. If a new sound is occurring, such as a clunking when you change gears, it may be time to get some vehicle maintenance. First, you probably want to know what is wrong with your vehicle. So, keep reading to learn why your car clunks when you change gears.

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