2017 Mercedes-AMG GLE43 Coupe

2016 GLE Pricing Information for Everyone!

2016 GLE Pricing Information

Hold on to your hats! Mercedes-Benz has just released 2016 GLE pricing information, or in other words, how much money they want for the new GLE and GLE Coupe, expected to arrive at your local dealership any day now. The release of the GLE is highly anticipated thanks to its redesign from the M-Class and the heavy advertising that put it front and center in the Jurassic World movie. Along with the release of the GLE, the GLC is also making headlines as it replaces the GLK-Class. You could say Mercedes-Benz is crazy for making such drastic changes all at once, but crazy awesome would be a more appropriate description. Read on for an in-depth look at how much United States currency will be required to purchase one. Read the rest of this entry >>

Things to do in Scottsdale AZ on Labor Day 2015

Labor Day 2015 Events Scottsdale AZ

Every year on the first Monday in September, we put down our hammers and spend the day celebrating how far America has come socially and economically in terms of equality and fairness in the workplace. Perhaps we sometimes forget why we are celebrating but at least we get the day off of work, right? Here are some Labor Day 2015 events in Scottsdale AZ to do on your day off! Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 Mercedes-AMG GLC43 Coupe

Will Mercedes-Benz AMG Make a Hybrid Supercar?

Mercedes-Benz AMG Hybrid

In an effort to reduce our environmental impact on the world, auto manufacturers are creating more and more fuel efficient cars. Turbochargers are becoming increasingly common, and hybrid and electric vehicles are popping up all over the place. Mercedes-AMG has recently announced plans to implement a hybrid model into its lineup by 2020. This is still a ways away, but it comes as a surprise because AMG is a performance based company. What exactly would a Mercedes-Benz AMG hybrid be?

Most Mercedes-Benz models have a high-performance cousin made by AMG. AMG is the performance division of Mercedes-Benz. These three letters are usually associated with 500 horsepower, race-track victories, and six-figure sales prices. They are worth every penny though because there is no supplement for luxury and power. Read the rest of this entry >>

2018 Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class Release Date and Pricing Information

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class Release Date

Although it may seem like old news already, the M-Class Mercedes-Benz is no more. It is being replaced by the new GLE-Class SUV and GLE-Class Coupe. Mercedes-Benz has been talking about it for what seems like an eternity, yet the GLE still isn’t available for purchase in the U.S. We already know everything about it from the Dynamic Select Features to exterior dimensions, but we still can’t buy one! The GLE-Class is even in the running for the North American Truck of the Year, and already had a starring role in Jurassic World. The best thing we can do is keep talking about it until it becomes a reality. Are you wondering when the 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class release date is? Read the rest of this entry >>

2018 AMG CLA 45 Coupe in Silver - Front/Side View

Pricing Information for the Incoming 2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG

2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG Pricing

Mercedes-Benz is making a lot of changes this year for the 2016 lineup. It is changing names of models and innovating its performance trims across the board. The M-Class is changing to the GLE-Class. The GLK-Class is changing to the GLC-Class. Are the people at Mercedes-Benz trying to confuse us? As it turns out, the reasons for the changes are to make things less confusing…In the long run anyway. The 2016 CLA45 AMG is to be released later this year and even though it is a carry-over model, it will also be undergoing some aesthetic, mechanical, and pricing changes. Read on for  2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG pricing information. Read the rest of this entry >>

2020 Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe

2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG vs 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG

2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG vs 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG

The 2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class, will be released to dealerships everywhere later this year. That means it is time for a comparison between the 2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG vs. 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG. The 2016 is not a redesigned model, but the carry-over does have some special upgrades that give it some fun advantages over the 2015 model. Do you want to know what they are? Of course it is no surprise that the new model is better than the previous year. It happens every year. There is just something awesome that comes with learning about the new features and upgrades that makes us want to write about them. Read the rest of this entry >>

2018 Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV

The 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Drive2Friend Service Will Get You Where You Need to Go.

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Drive2Friend

Mercedes-Benz is making giving directions easy. The 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Drive2Friend feature is a service provided through the mbrace subscription that allows you to locate other people based on cell phone location. You have probably seen something like this in a James Bond movie or an episode of Star Trek. It may seem complicated but it is actually simple and extremely convenient.  Read the rest of this entry >>

2018 Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV

The 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Send2Benz Makes Navigating Simple and Fun

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Send2Benz

Do you get annoyed with your car when you have to type in an address? Mercedes-Benz has the answer with the new GLE, formerly known as the M-Class. With mbrace services from Mercedes-Benz, you can type the address into your smartphone or your computer. It’s the 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Send2Benz feature and it works like this: Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 Mercedes-Benz E400

The Mercedes-Benz Apps mbrace Package Features That You Will Love

Mercedes-Benz Apps mbrace Package Features

As an additional option available to add on to the starting package mbrace service, Mercedes-Benz owners can also receive the Mercedes-Benz Apps package. Like the PLUS package, it is included for free for the first three months after a new or used Mercedes-Benz is purchased. The Mercedes-Benz Apps package is largely entertainment based and it includes a long list of internet-based infotainment options. Read the rest of this entry >>